The Juneau Reentry Coalition supports individuals transitioning into the community after incarceration, including community events that bring people together, like the annual “Adopt a Highway” litter clean-up on North Douglas Hwy in May.

The Juneau Reentry Coalition (JREC) is a collaboration of individuals, community advocates, businesses, non-profits, tribal, and public agencies who support success for justice-involved Alaskans. The coalition promotes public safety by identifying and implementing strategies that increase the likelihood of success after incarceration and reduce the likelihood of recidivism. The steering team governs coalition activities and is co-chaired by a community representative and representative from the Department of Corrections. JREC is staffed by a coalition coordinator who organizes the monthly meetings and community activities, coordinates direct supports to returning citizens and financial matters, and provides representation on statewide planning and reentry efforts. JREC supports case management for returning citizens, assistance with access to housing, employment, treatment and recovery services, prison in-reach and community events, fundraising for community reentry projects, and more. JREC works with local and statewide partners in planning, coordination, data sharing, and advocacy for successful reentry and reduced recidivism. JREC receives in-kind support from volunteers, people with lived experience (peers), family members, community providers, tribal, faith-based, and local organizations, and financial support from the Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority, the departments of Health and Social Services and Corrections. JAMHI Health & Wellness is the fiscal agent for the Juneau Reentry Coalition.
CONTACT: Don Habeger, Coalition Coordinator,
info@juneaureentry.org, 907-321-4970. Website: www.juneaureentry.org