Ketchikan Reentry Coalition is guided by a set of core values that seeks to produce a safer community through significant reduction in recidivism. Accomplishing these goals can help ensure that each reentrant has the societal and cultural supports to successfully reintegrate into their community and become more independent. The coalition collaborates with a wide range of service providers, employers and landlords, probation and corrections officers, treatment providers and social services, tribal and community leaders—with five focus areas: housing, employment and meaningful engagement, healthcare, cultural and community connection, and transportation. Ketchikan Wellness Re-entry offers transnational living house. It is a 9-month program, with four bedrooms, two bathrooms. Our goal with transitional living is to prepare and guide the residents for successful reentry. The coalition offers direct case management support to reentrants, networking, engaging the public and raising awareness, and addressing barriers to successful reentry.
CONTACT: Coalition Coordinator, Drew Herby, drew@ketchikanwellness.org 907-228-7556
Website: www.ketchikanreentry.org General Information: info@ketchikanwellness.org